

Hippies and San Francisco
Check out this great MSN video: Haight-Ashbury hippies

The Haight-Ashburry district in San Francisco was a very hippie populated are where many would come, live and explore the hippie lifestyle.

Hippie Dictionary

Hippie Dictionary
Freak Flag: Long Hair
Freaks:  Calling someone a 'freak'---Freaks were people who were cool because it was who they were.  Hippies often were hippies because it was the 'in thing to do'. Freaks did things not because they were hip, but because it was who they were as a person.
Freedom Fighter: Current Hippie term (late 80's-90's) for a person involved in the political movement to legalize grass.
Free Love: The idealistic concept embraced by the hippies that Love needn't be bound by convention.  People are free to love whomever they please, whenever they please, wherever they please, without attachment or commitment.  This was practiced by many hippies and helped spawn the Women's and Gay Liberation Movements.
More words can be found at:

Like every culture Hippies created their own language and gave different meanings to everyday words. Words like Far-out to meaning something good, freaks to describe someone cool and the man when referring to the system

Hippie Fashion
A video clip from the History Channel website talking about hippie fashion

The Hippie Symbols

What do Hippies look like?

Hippies fashion is as colorful and expressive as their attitudes, to some they make look dirty,lazy and unusual but their fashion is just another way of expressing their beliefs. Hippies dress very laid back with loose fitting clothing, long hair(facial hair) and bright vibrant colors.

What are Hippies?

A person who opposes and rejects many of the conventional standards and customs of society, especially one who advocates extreme liberalism in sociopolitical attitudes and lifestyles.

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s and spread to other countries around the world. The etymology of the term 'hippie' is from hipster, and was initially used to describe beatniks who had moved into San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district. Both the words "hip" and "hep" came from African American culture and denote "awareness".[1] The early hippies inherited the countercultural values of the Beat Generation, created their own communities, listened to psychedelic rock, embraced the sexual revolution, and used drugs such as cannabis, LSD and magic mushrooms to explore altered states of consciousness.

One who embraces life to the fullest. Promotes peace, love and happiness, but sure as hell sticks up for what they believe in. Anyone can be a hippie, not just that dirty dread-locked tie-dyed pothead with the dead shirt on. HIPPIES ARE WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!!


Peace Love and Hippies

After watching the video in class about the hippies I decided this would be the subculture I would do my portfolio on. I find them very interesting and I think I might have a little hippie in me...

The hippie culture is based on Peace, Love, and Music in this blog I've uploaded pictures and videos that represent the hippie culture and the message they were trying to convey.

The hippies was a subculture that emerged during the 1960’s who stood for peace, love, and music. Hippies opposed the consumer world and the war, their way of living and dressing expressed their creativeness and freedom.  The hippies were also very involved in openly using drugs like marijuana and LSD, by the public they were viewed as lazy and unusual. The message they were trying to convey was simple-make love not war, to free ourselves from the material things and enjoy the natural things we are given in life, and to help each other. The hippies were also involved in many non-violent protest where they chose other methods to relay a message other than riots.

The Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco was a area populated with many hippies, many had set up house here where other people could eat and sleep for free and many owned businesses. Golden Gate park was typical hang out for the hippies and became the platform for the Human Be In where many hippies went and just expressed the life and meaning of their subculture. San Francisco also was home to The Summer of Love in 1967, where people gathered and created a cultural and political rebellion in the Haight-Ashbury district.

Another highlight of the hippie subculture was Woodstock,  a 3 day festival dedicated to peace and music where hippies gathered in large numbers and celebrated their culture.