
Hippie Dictionary

Hippie Dictionary
Freak Flag: Long Hair
Freaks:  Calling someone a 'freak'---Freaks were people who were cool because it was who they were.  Hippies often were hippies because it was the 'in thing to do'. Freaks did things not because they were hip, but because it was who they were as a person.
Freedom Fighter: Current Hippie term (late 80's-90's) for a person involved in the political movement to legalize grass.
Free Love: The idealistic concept embraced by the hippies that Love needn't be bound by convention.  People are free to love whomever they please, whenever they please, wherever they please, without attachment or commitment.  This was practiced by many hippies and helped spawn the Women's and Gay Liberation Movements.
More words can be found at:

Like every culture Hippies created their own language and gave different meanings to everyday words. Words like Far-out to meaning something good, freaks to describe someone cool and the man when referring to the system

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